Draft: Cheat Sheet: Testing for Accessibility-Ready-Tag

This is a draft for a workflow on how to test for the Accessibility-Ready-Tag for Theme-Review in the WordPress Directory.


Testing Tools

  • Firefox Browser

Browser Extensions

Before Testing

  1. Staging Enviroment
  2. Import Test Data: https://github.com/WordPress/theme-test-data
  3. Choose Theme to test & install
  4. Set Main Menu
  5. Set Landing Page as static page and post page as Blog
  6. Write down, which templates the Theme includes


  • index.php
  • page.php
  • single.php (test with block editor demo content)
    • single.php with adding a comment
  • archive.php
  • 404.php
  • search.php
    • with search results
    • with empty search results
  • front-page.php

Add all template-pages

Testing Steps

Test Templates

Keyboard Navigation (with Link to Docs)

What needs to be tested and why?
Check following points

Insert Template Pages. Test in Desktop & Mobile

  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages



[Insert Template Pages. Test in Desktop & Mobile]

  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages



[Insert Template Pages.Test in Desktop & Mobile]

  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages

ARIA Landmark Roles


[Insert Template PagesTest in Desktop & Mobile]

  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages

Content Links


[Insert Template PagesTest in Desktop & Mobile]

  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages

Repetitive Link Text // meaningfull Links


[Insert Template PagesTest in Desktop & Mobile]

  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages



[Insert Template PagesTest in Desktop & Mobile]

  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages



[Insert Template PagesTest in Desktop & Mobile]

  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages



[Insert Template PagesTest in Desktop & Mobile]

  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages

Screen Reader Text (recommendet)


[Insert Template Pages. Test in Desktop & Mobile]

  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages

Zoomable Text (recommendet)

  • [ ] If a user zooms with text-only zoom enabled or has changed the base font-size in their browser, the site should support this without breaking the theme by creating overlapping or hidden text.
  • About Me
  • Contact Me
  • Home
  • Project
  • 404
  • Footer
  • Header
  • Index
  • Single
    • with adding a comment
  • Search
    • with search results
    • with empty search results

Add all template-pages

Test Elements

Skip Links





  • search form
  • comment form


is under „Keyboard Navigation“ But this will be tested on Template Pages. But it is important to also test this on block elements and other elements

Test Code

  • [ ] Not Allowed
    • [ ] positive tabindex attribute. Negative or zero value tabindex is allowed in specific circumstances (assessed on a case-by-case basis).
    • [ ] The inclusion of the accesskey attribute.
    • [ ] opening new windows or tabs without warning the user.
    • [ ] Search for any occurrence of target attributes in the theme. (target=”_blank” appears in the theme unit test content, so ignore those.)
    • [ ] Search for any occurrence of tabindex attributes in theme. (tabindex=1 occurs in adminbar, so ignore that. tabindex=-1 may be allowable, most other uses won’t)
    • [ ] Search for any occurrence of accesskey attributes in theme.
    • [ ] Tools: view source, browser inspector
  • [ ] Removal of title attributes (recommendet)
    • [ ] While the title attribute is occasionally of value, it is never of value if the attribute’s text is the same as the visible text. This is a common issue with post titles and permalinks. Remove extraneous title attributes.